#fanwork illagers
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doekimakura · 5 months ago
The Villager vs Illager Conflict
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The biggest conflict there in Svallin currently is the Villager - Illager War which started about 2 years ago in the server. While the conflict happens everywhere since the dawn of Svallin, anyway, the hotspot currently sits at West Svallin, between the Illager army of Vuruethas (lead by Absinthe Vane,) and The Fortress City Midsommar, (lead by Queen Alexis Gjallarhorn.)
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They aim to destroy the other for the sake of their people's (and their own) satisfaction and goals. If Vane wins, the illagers prevail. If Alexis wins, the villagers prevail.
So far, they are deadlocked, matched in both wits and resources.
So why beef with Midsommar?
Because of Alexis Gjallarhorn.
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Alexis was an Alex-skinned player character who was spawned in initially during the absence of [spoiler man], and happened to save a village from pillagers during her travels. She was filled with a sense of justice and responsibility, and began building her own kingdom as a 'safe haven' for villagers pillaged by illagers.
And now, the safe haven's gotten too big! The Illagers, fearing of being wiped off by Alex's knights, decided to band up to try and fell Midsommar before they got 'too strong', and they have been at each other since.
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More will be explained when I flesh out the kingdoms~
Are things only bad in Midsommar?
Not really. Besides Vane's army, there is another bigshot group that roams the lands, treated like a bad omen or the boogeyman.
This group of horseriders are called the Band of Claws. Unlike Vuruethas Amry, they usually ride on separate platoons and regroup once a while in the woods of Northern Svallin. They are infamous for making pillaging a sport and competition, and would even toy with villagers and children and hunt them on horseback 'for amusement.'
Its leader is Balalaika Zamrud. Many thinks she is much more cruel and cold compared to Vane, but she finds no fun in invasions. Hence, Vuruethas and Band of Claws don't really work together.
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Zamrud does find interest in a certain village whose villagers know how to control fire...
...and others
Besides those two groups, Illagers still roam the land in different communities, but they always have one thing in mind: Pillaging and plundering. Thirsty for power and are aggressively territorial, the Illagers are becoming more brazen in the advent of high-ranking illagers who lead them to glory.
Depending on the biomes, illagers may form different kinds of pillaging groups such as: Desert Robbers, Pirates, or Snow Hunters.
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They are as common as pillaging groups across Svallin, usually captained by lesser known illagers. They aren't as lethal, but they still cause losses alright.
There is more about illagers and villagers that I'm cooking up, but since this post has gotten quite long, maybe next time!
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betweenlands · 3 years ago
hi solar i'm being predictable. hypno for the ask game?
First impression: wait, who is this even? i mean i love the outfit but i’ve never heard of him until now. wild that he’s an og hermit and nobody ever talks about him. oh hey he’s interacting with xb that’s neat i wonder what his deal is
Impression now: I NEED TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO WRITE HIM SOLO i love him a lot. contains so much gender. just really fun to kick back and watch a chill episode of hypno and i love that he puts credit on his redstone stuff with a little sign thingy, that’s really fun. extremely underrated hermit.
Favorite moment: i don’t really have a stand-out Favorite Moment but i do think him thirdwheeling martyn and ren during twitch rivals/hermit raiders was very fun
Unpopular opinion: i think uh. sometimes people end up mixing up him and xb in terms of vibes? despite the black trenchcoat, hypno is not a Spooky Villain Man where every word he says sounds like a threat, he is literally just chilling. at most he sounds like he’s thinking about an inside joke and/or is being sarcastic. i do not think he cares enough to be some sort of criminal mastermind, that is honestly xb like 80% of the time. THAT SAID i also think he should be given the same sort of Admin Status in fanwork as xisuma has, considering he’s another longtime admin and maintains the website
Favorite relationship: oh him and xbcrafted are the duo of all time fr. horse head farms owns my brainspace i love them and they did nothing wrong
Favorite headcanon: i have so many hypno headcanons but i am pretty attached to illager hypno ngl. he makes hrm noises what do you want from me
Idea for a story: i have. so many ideas. would love to write them someday but rest assured i have so many ideas
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doekimakura · 5 months ago
Villagers of Svallin
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Villagers in Svallin can be compared to that of humans on earth. They are peaceful mobs who don't attack back, unless given the means to. Most villagers are not fighters and would rather run away than fight back.
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Occupation and naming convention
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A villager's occupation is their most important thing to them. It makes up their whole identity, and a balanced village means having everyone have a role that completes the village.
When a villager child is born, they will be known as '[Firstname] of [Parents' Firstname]', e.g. 'Lewis of Martha', or 'Freja of Thorin'. This naming convention means the villager is known to be tied to their mother or father. They will continue to have this name to adulthood, and can only change it once they have an occupation they are serious about.
Once they settle with an occupation, however, they are allowed to change their names! They can also choose to change their first name if they want to, but they are now known as '[Firstname] [Occupation]', e.g. 'Lewis Tinkerer' or 'Freja Baker'. This way, they will be known not for their families, but for the skills they have!
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There's no use talking to a Nitwit, but they are still part of a village nonetheless.
Villages and Towns
Villagers spawn in within villages, which spawns in occasionally on random locations. These villagers will wear different clothing and behave differently depending on the biomes they spawn on.
Besides the line of villagers already available in vanilla Minecraft, some additional villagers in Svallin include:
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Most of these are harmless and does not fight back, making them very prone to illager raids, getting pillaged, or killed. The Avengers, however, are can fight back.
The... 'Avengers?'
No, not THOSE Avengers.
Avengers are some sort of combat-leaning villagers. In the wild, usually they appear as mercenaries, who band together with a group of other avengers, and can even be hired to raid woodland mansions or illager camps.
Avengers are usually 'made' when the survivor of a village, usually child villagers, grew up resentful towards illagers. They equip swords, shields, or bows and use them to fight back against illagers.
However, training a villager in combat can also turn them into Avengers... minus the tragic backstories. That is how the Roseate Chivalric Order of Midsommar was established!
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Of course, Avengers aren't just available in Midsommar. They can be found as small groups or individuals protecting their village. If you help them defend their village, you will gain their favor! :D
TL;DR, Avengers are villagers who can fight back and they super hate illagers.
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Yes. The answer is yes. Everyone in Vejar are tbh
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